What are some values (morals that you believe in) that most Chinese have? 这是说中国人所拥有的价值观,品德吗??我明白意思 但怕理解不准确谢谢 非常需要准确的翻译rwftw 采纳率:51% 等级:12 已帮助:8956人 私信TA向TA提问 1个回答 满意答案 magical065 2013.10.31 magical065 采纳率:56% 等级:12 已...
这是说中国人所拥有的价值观,我明白意思 但怕理解不准确非常需要准确的翻译 答案 这就是中国大多数人持有的价值观(你所信任的道德)相关推荐 1英语翻译What are some values (morals that you believe in) that most Chinese have?这是说中国人所拥有的价值观,我明白意思 但怕理解不准确非常需要准确的翻译 ...
To have good morals is to live a life by certain ethical standards that you believe to be right, while being in a moral quandary is to be in a situation where the right decision is not clear. If you need a 'morale booster,' you need your mood lightened.
What are some morals of the play Romeo and Juliet? In Death of a Salesman, what is the important life lesson garnered from the play? What is the theme of Maupassant's "A Family"? What is the main argument in the essay Civil Disobedience by Thoreau?
Related to this Question What are the characteristics of virtue ethics? What are the two reasons, why virtue ethics are good? Why are virtue ethics important? What are virtue ethics? What is the difference between duties ethics and virtue ethics?
2. C) Being unaware of the stress they are under. 3. A) Prescribe some medication for him. 4.D) It is full of competition. 5. A) To avoid being in the limelight. 6. C) It does not last long., 7. D) He was ...
Some men are modest, and seem to take pains to hide theirvirtues; and, from a natural distance and reserve in their tempers, scarce suffer their good qualities to be known [...]. Specifically, each of several qualities held to be particularly important, including the four cardinal virtues,...
emotional, intellectual, and spiritual lives, of our morals and our politics. That is, it seemed plausible that if God had given beauty and order to Nature, He must similarly have ordained spiritual and moral laws, which, if obeyed, would lead us to a kind of heavenly existence on earth....
Christian liberty is freedom from sin, not freedom to sin. —Aiden Wilson Tozer 33 Bad company ruins good morals. We must have Christian ethics for our children, good and strong, but we must make them attractive, too, and it can be done. —Enid Blyton ...