Plants are characterized by their ability to make their own food, using chlorophyll, sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Fungi cannot make their own food. They have to consume other living or once living organisms. Fungi aren’t animals either, but for what it’s worth, some scientists ...
Fungi cannot make their own food. They have to consume other living or once living organisms. Fungi aren’t animals either, but for what it’s worth, some scientists consider them more akin to animals than plants. It’s even thought that fungi and animals may share a similar single-celled...
Thus, the organisms traditionally studied by mycologists, and grouped in Whittaker's kingdom, are polyphyletic. Some, notably Mycetozoa and Plasmodiophorida, are related to certain Protozoa more closely than to true fungi; others are evolutionarily closer to certain algae. Conversely, organisms ...
Thus, the organisms traditionally studied by mycologists, and grouped in Whittaker's kingdom, are polyphyletic. Some, notably Mycetozoa and Plasmodiophorida, are related to certain Protozoa more closely than to true fungi; others are evolutionarily closer to certain algae. Conversely, organisms ...
I think a more precise description of fungi may need to involve all the basic features. Bybookworm— On Sep 03, 2008 Fungi can be described as plants without chlorophyll. There are different types of fungi. Some are beneficial, even edible like mushrooms, while others can cause trouble....
What group of microbial agents would eventually be identified from the work of Ivanowsky and Beijerinck? A. Viruses B. Fungi C. Protists D. Bacteria What material do microbiologists use to culture bacteria in a laboratory? Which of these pathogens are the mo...
Which over the counter anti -fungal cream has worked the best for fungi on the face? --T Byanon151790— On Feb 11, 2011 I put tinactin on my face. Have for years. i get it every now and then. Works great! Byanon118586— On Oct 14, 2010 ...
Fungi are capable of both asexual and sexual reproduction. When undergoing sexual reproduction, there are not "male" or "female" fungi but rather different mating types. These mating types are determined by one or more genes. Some fungi are able to reproduce w...
what are learning str what are not you into what are some bad qua what are the parties what are the prospect what are they focusin what are you waiting what are your interes what be said did not what became what boats what can i do tin tin what can i do honey what characters in hi...
Fungus are unique and classified in their own kingdom (The Kingdom of Fungi!!) because of the cell walls which contain chitin. Animal cells also contain chitin, but plant cells cellulose. Coulld you say they are half-plant, half-human. Almost. In truth, they fit neither group and so ...