is replaced with a single letter. For instance, I wanted to find some words to fill in un-[]-ed So one option is a word that begins with n, ends with e, and what's in between them is a verb n-[VERB]-e One search is n?e, which turned up, e.g., naile, giving unailed...
When producing the English sound h, the vocal cords are brought momentarily together to creat the g_ obstruction. (同上)17. In English, the two words cut and gut differ only in their initial sounds and the two sounds are two different _ and the two words are a _ pair. (北二外 30、...
“Theyarethusretainedirrespectiveof their material condition, which in some instances might be very decrepit.In the light of their special status they are sometimes even‘enshrined;’that is,they are withdrawn from circulation and framed in some way, such as beinghousedinspecialcabinets.”38Symeswas...