What are the two main sects of Islam? What is difference between a cult and religion? What are some characteristics of a Muslim theocracy? What does the Quran teach about other religions? What is the difference between religion and politics? What is the difference between the Old Testament and...
What are the benefits and criticisms behind the doctrine of separations of power? How is power gained in a theocracy? What is the advantage of holding? money? Why is China considered an oligarchy? What were some disadvantages of the Industrial Revolution?
A war fought on the battlefield by ISIS and supported by globalist disinformation, in which the legitimate president Assad and the Russian president Putin, the only true peace-seekers in the region, are painted as “evil”, when they are the only ones fighting against the terrorism of ISIS a...
Absolute Monarchy: In an absolute monarchy, a king or queen holds absolute power over the government and all aspects of society. While there are few -- if any -- absolute monarchies today, this system of government ruled Europe for centuries. ...
Q: There is a lot of disinformation about the photos because they don’t have a source, being smuggled out secretly. So some people say they are Christians killed by Daesh [ISIS] or Palestinians killed by the Israelis, or whatever, so… ...
One can build an argument with a whole lot of truth and fact, but if your argument builds an initial momentum to your point using truth to come to a wrong and biased conclusion, you are making facts support a temple of the big lie based on shifting sands of half-truths. Hitler built ...
Indeed, conceit, arrogance, and egotism are the essentials of patriotism. Let me illustrate. Patriotism assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Those who have had the fortune of being born on some particular spot, consider themselves better, no...
Here on the High Desert Plantation, some displaced folks haven't received dime one and often go hungry just a step away from homelessness. Meanwhile, McConnell fiddled while America burned. When you are looking more soul-less than Donald Trump, you have really achieved the wildest heights of...
Let me try to put some of this together in an analysis of who makes up the Republican party, and how they got there. I'd better stick in anothergeneral apology: these are the ruminations of a bemused outsider (except for the bits on religion, which I do know something about). Insiders...
Then there are some who say that God, in His infinite foreknowledge, looks into the possible futures of a person’s life to see what that personwould havedoneif they had heardthe Gospel. This view sounds a bit like that Tom Cruise movie “Minority Report” where people are condemned for ...