'A Supernova Discovery Machine' Some elements are only made in the stellar furnace of a supernova. Obdurate iron is among them, as fusion of heavier elements no longer yields energy that can keep a star alive and burning. And while stars are very far apart and long-lived, over Earth's...
What are some examples of cacophony in Frankenstein? What causes an earthquake? What is a heptathlon? What does synthesis refer to in Bloom's Taxonomy? What is the conjugation of construir? What is disproportionation reaction? What is efficacy?
One of the most striking examples of a supernova remnant is the Crab Nebula, found in the constellation of Taurus. Sometime between April and June of 1054, a so-called "guest star" flared into being, visible to the naked eye where no star had been discernible before. Two years later, ...
根据第一段中的“We all know what happens to most stars in the final stages of their lives: they explode violently in an event called a supernova(超新星), the largest explosion taking place in space to NASA's eye, when ②寻线索 they run out of 'fuel' and collapse(瓦解)"可知,当大...
What is the importance of Supernova 1987A? Why must a cell go through the S phase before mitosis? What is a leap year? Are sheet silicates formed deeper in the earth or on the surface? How are they formed ? A planet closer to the sun will have a longer or shorter year than a pla...
Planetary nebulaeare formed when a star dies and create dramatic formations of radiating cosmic gas. Some great examples of planetary nebulae in the night sky include the Ring Nebula, the Dumbbell Nebula, and theHelix Nebula. Planetary Nebulae involves a low-mass star entering the final stage of...
Stars over 2 times more massive than the sun will explode into a supernova and then contract into a black hole.What is a Star? Some people enjoy watching the sky at night and picking out constellations. Those constellations are made of stars. A star is a glowing body of gas and plasma...
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Let us suppose for now that we are in the “sticky” case where the thin tubes stick together inside fat tubes as much as possible, so that there are in fact a collection of fat tubes , with each fat tube containing about of the thin tubes. Let us also assume that the fat tubes ...
We made some strides here recently with the ability to add images easily (thank you). I felt like we had your ears for furthering the improvement, but lately it seems like you all have moved on to other things and we are left with the start of something that could be great. I ...