What are Cryptocurrencies, and how to they relate to black peopleKofi Obibini
In the cryptocurrency community, it mostly refers to tokenised assets that are stored on a decentralised network (a shared ledger). Digital assets have shared characteristics and operate in similar ways. All cryptocurrencies and digital assets share the following characteristics: Digital Cryptocurrency ...
While some investment professionals think that cryptocurrencies are just a gimmick which will disappear sooner or later, others believe in the future of cryptocurrencies as alternative asset and/or as a hedge against inflation or other risk within the traditional financial system....
It's either, depending on usage. A blockchain is a type of database. Different cryptocurrencies are built on different blockchains. Bitcoin is built on the bitcoin blockchain and ether is built on the ethereum blockchain. Some cryptocurrencies or tokens are built on top of other cryptocurren...
Crypto taxes are a complex topic, but I’ve done my best to summarise the situation in several major countries, so check out my post onhow Bitcoin and other cryptos are taxed around the world. So what are your options for crypto tax preparation?
Because all transactions on a blockchain are grouped into blocks, encoded as hashes, and linked together with sophisticated math, it’s very difficult to go back and alter any records. Some cryptocurrencies aspire to act as a form of money and seek to offer certain advantages in privacy, ...
"These could be rewards of coins/tokens in a particular blockchain or in the stablecoin that you are staking," he says. Some cryptocurrencies that offer staking rewards include Ethereum 2.0, Tezos, Algorand and others on a variety of exchanges....
Some cryptocurrencies have properties similar to gold, other commodities and stocks. Many people buy specific cryptocurrencies to hold on to them and hopefully see their value increase over time. Unlike traditional currencies issued by governments, cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning that a ...
Instead, cryptocurrencies are being seen as stores of value in their own right. Cryptocurrencies are created in different ways. Some, like bitcoin, are created as a reward to “miners” for using computer power to verify transactions that are made on the bitcoin blockchain. But that makes ...
When it comes tocryptocurrencies and exchanges, reputation counts. Before you even go so far as to create an account or connect your wallet, take time to research the exchange you're considering thoroughly. What do other users say about the exchange? What does the exchange say about itself?