What are some examples of compounds? Examples of compounds include water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and sodium chloride (NaCl). 8 How do the physical properties of compounds compare to those of their constituent elements? Compounds often have very different physical properties from their constit...
In grammar, acompoundrefers to a word that is made up of two or more existing parts or elements. Adjectives, verbs, prepositions, andnounscan all be described ascompounds. As compounds, they are made of two or more existing words combined into one, such ashousetop(noun),many-sided(adjectiv...
In the healthcare field, platinum compounds are a component of some chemotherapy drugs, and are also used in pacemakers and even dental fillings. The electronics industry has various applications for platinum, too — for instance, computer hard disks. From a defense standpoint, platinum has been ...
Look at for a nice picture of a sample of pure reagent grade CuCl2.2H2O (do not bookmark this URL, because the IP-address in it is not fixed and may be invalid after some time). The compound is cyan blue. it is not r...
How do crystalline solids form their patterns from ionic compounds? What is a halide mineral? What chemical elements make up an amethyst? Which silicate minerals separate easily into sheets when they break? What are common ferromagnesian silicate minerals?
A molecule is the smallest amount of a compound: a substance made from two or more atoms. Some people find molecules and compounds confusing. Here's how to remember the difference. If you join two different chemical elements together, you can often make a completely new substance. Glue two...
Why are the metals gold and silver found as elements in nature, whereas the metals sodium and magnesium are found in nature only in compounds? What is the formula for the common household compound known as table salt? What type of crystal is thrown into vibrations in the case of Ultras...
Today, the use of gold salts in medicine is still not a general practice, although some high-end medicines do contain trace compounds of gold. Medicines such as Solganal (gold aurothioglucose) and Aurolate (gold sodium thiomalate) are intramuscular drugs that are taken to help reduce ...
Chemically, polyester is a polymer primarily composed of compounds within the ester functional group. Most synthetic and some plant-based polyester fibers are made from ethylene, which is a constituent of petroleum that can also be derived from other sources. While some forms of polyester are biode...
What elements are alkali metals? What are examples of alkali metals? What are some common uses of alkali metal compounds? What chemical properties do all the alkali metals have? Which group contains the alkali metals? a. 1A b. 2A c. 3A d. 8A ...