While there's no foolproof method to prevent STIs, preventive measures are essential for safely giving or receiving blowjobs: Use a non-lubricated latex condom during a blowjob (try polyurethane if your partner is allergic to latex). Use a dental dam if you also stimulate your partner's an...
While it’s true the chances of getting an STD through oral sex are a bit lower than with genital sex, the risk is still there. Some common STDs that can be passed orally are: Herpes.Herpescan spread through contact between an infected area and a cut or break in the skin around your...
Regular check-ups are essential for the early detection and control of tooth problems. Daily dental care regimen: Apart from regular visits to the dentist, practising good oral hygiene every day can prevent serious teeth problems.Some must-do's for Oral Hygiene...
What does dental hygiene mean, and who is the dental hygienist?Iva Evangeline Taintor
Permanent dentures are a type of dental implant that is used as a solution for partial or complete tooth loss. The pros and cons...
What we eat, the presence of fluoride in our water or toothpaste, and dental hygiene habits all play a role in how susceptible your teeth may be to decay, according to an article in the Journal of the American Dental Association.What Are Cavities? While cavities are generally more common ...
Always check with your OB-GYN before taking any prescription or OTC medication. Here are some common medications and the risks associated with taking each while pregnant. Prescription acne medications: high risk Prescription acne treatments like isotretinoin, tazarotene, and spironolactone have been linke...
An ingrown nail is when the edge of your fingernail or toenail grows into the skin next to it. The most common cause is when nails are trimmed too short.What increases my risk for an ingrown nail?Shoes, socks, or panty hose that are too tight or do not fit well Trauma or injury to...
Here are some typical price ranges of common dental services can cost:234 With procedures such as root canals and extractions, prices can vary greatly based on which tooth requires treatment. The cost of braces can vary based on the patient’s age. Costs can also differ by dentist and local...
The easiest way to find out is through regular dental check-ups. Your dentist will be able to spot issues and help you take preventive measures before the symptoms start having any perceptible effects. Some common symptoms of gingivitis are: Swollen gums Soft puffy gums Receding gums Tender gums...