Any disorder of the nervous system is classified as a neurological disorder. The brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular junction, and muscles are the parts commonly affected by neurological disorders....
Each function performed by these blood cells is a reason why these cells are necessary for our overall health and wellbeing. Blood disorders arise when the blood cells become unable to perform their necessary functions in the body. For example, anemia occurs when our red blood cells become unab...
What are some of the common disturbances of blood coagulation? What is coagulation? What prevents coagulation during the hematocrit test? Which among the components of blood is responsible for blood clotting? What vitamin is involved in the clotting of blood?
常见心理障碍有哪几种类型(Whatarethecommontypesofpsychologicaldisorders) Whatarethecommontypesofpsychologicaldisorders? Psychologicalabnormalitiescanbesevereormild.AccordingtoWHO'sestimate,almost20%to30%ofthepeopleatthesametimehadvaryingdegreesofpsychologicalabnormalities.Themanifestationsofmentaldisordersarevaried.Atprese...
Up to 100,000 Americans have some form of sickle cell. It's more common among some races and ethnicities than others. If you have African ancestry, you're at the highest risk for sickle cell trait. You may also be at risk if your ethnicity is Hispanic, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, As...
There are many types of connective tissue disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma. The most common affected areas are joints, muscles, and skin. Your organs, eyes, nervous system, and blood vessels can also be affected.What increases my risk for a connective tissue ...
Deficiencies in some vitamins, since gastric bypass surgery can change the way the stomach processes food and absorbs nutrients. But this can be corrected with supplementation. Blood work can determine if your melancholy is vitamin-related. Iron, vitamin D and vitamin B12 deficiencies ...
Some common trypophobia triggers are enumerated below: A cluster of the eyes Cantaloupe Seed Pods from Lotus Abridgment Bubbles Pomegranates Honeycombs Coral Strawberries Aluminum Metal Foam Bumps or Holes on the Flesh Creepy-Crawly Eyes Bubble Wrap ...
Blood tests may be used to check for blood disorders or to see how long it takes for your blood to clot. Ultrasound pictures may show how deep the bruise is and if any of your organs, such as your liver, are injured. MRI pictures may show if a hematoma (pooling of blood) has ...
Liver fat storage, also called hepatic steatosis, is increasingly common and represents a very frequent diagnosis in the medical field. Excess fat is not without consequences. In fact, hepatic steatosis contributes to the progression toward liver fibrosi