14. What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise 看似痛苦的试炼的往往是伪装的祝福。 15. Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess. 适度是极其致命的事情。过度带来的成功是无可比拟的。 16. Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is ...
ablessings are for you my life, bon voyage, will leave the open and light tablet, let me know when you get home, no matter what I wake blessings are for you my life, bon voyage, will leave the open and light tablet, let me know when you get home, no matter what I wake[translate...
Can blessings change a person’s fate? Some believe blessings have the power to influence one’s life positively. 3 What is required to perform a blessing? Requirements vary, but often include faith and sometimes a specific ritual or words. 2 Share Your Discovery Share via Social Media Embed...
Blessings will turn into challenges and you’ll never know the difference… It’s OK. It won’t be fair. Ever. It’s OK. Nothing will be handed to you, It’s OK. People will do you wrong… Even some you trust… It’s OK. You’ll let yourself down… It’s OK. You’ll ...
When working with clients, I often hear them say, "What do I have to be grateful for? My life is a mess." Their focus is so consumed by what they perceive is lacking in their lives that they overlook their blessings. After validating the emotional attachment, I ask a few simple but ...
Peace is the doorway to the Father’s working in your life. Don’t take that lightly. God operates in this realm of peace. It is in the atmosphere of peace that He releases blessings into our lives. Peace is the doorway to the miraculous; peace is the doorway to your answered prayer....
You know the usual death comes in threes Life is short is what some nigga said Not if you measure life by how one lives and what he did Its funny how these black killer companies is making money off us Fast food colas sodas skull and bone crossers Ayo its poison ecstasy coke You say ...
Peace is the doorway to the Father’s working in your life. Don’t take that lightly. God operates in this realm of peace. It is in the atmosphere of peace that He releases blessings into our lives. Peace is the doorway to the miraculous; peace is the doorway to your answered prayer....
seetheblessingsinlife,focusingonwhatdoesn?tgoperfectly. 2 ,Ifoundacureforthis “illness”,onethatseemstobeinfectious. My 3 tookplacejustbeforeThanksgiving.Atthetime,Iwasreading mydaughter Traci?spageonFacebookwhereInoticedthe 4 formy“disease”.Tracihadacceptedafriend?s challengetostartajourneyof 5 . ...