Most Mercury dimes are relatively common in well-worn grades. They are generally worth $3 to $5 in those lower grades. 1946–1964 Roosevelt Dimes Roosevelt dimes struck before 1965 are made from a90% silvercomposition. They are worth a premium for their precious metal content. Most Roosevelt ...
and shark contain high levels of methylmercury. This metal can be harmful to your baby. You can safely eat up to 12 ounces of seafood a week, so choose fish that are low in mercury: catfish,salmon, cod, and canned light tuna. If you like albacore (white) tuna, limit yourself to 6...
Barber Dimes (1892-1916)– Mercury Dimes (1916-1945)$10 – $50 Roosevelt Dimes (1945-1964)$5 – $150. Roosevelt Dimes (1965- )$5 – $100. Washington Quarter (1932 – 1964)$25 – $100. Washington Quarter (1965- )$3 – $75. ...