Browse Scientology beliefs & news, what Scientologists believe, Founder L. Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Books, Documentary Video and Photos.
网站描述 - 个字符 Browse Scientology beliefs & news, what Scientologists believe, Founder L. Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Books, Documentary Video and Photos. 一般不超过200字符 竞争网站 - 个竞争网站 相关子域名 - 个相关子域名 同IP网站 该网站IP:- 地址:- 约- 个站点运...
Meanwhile, John Travolta was flying his private plane to disaster sites, armed with volunteers- except that they were all Scientologists, who have beliefs about medicine which are widely regarded as being unhelpful at best and disastrous at worst. And yet he was applauded. It makes no sense som...