regulationsmightonedayinstructthatcarsmustactforthegreatergood.Thatwouldmeansaving themostpeople.Butthescientiststhinkruleslikethiscoulddriveawaybuyers.Ifso,allthe potentialbenefitsofdriverlesscarswouldbelost. Compromisesmightbepossible,KurtGraysays.HeisapsychologistattheUniversityof NorthCarolina.Hethinksthatevenifal...
GermanscientistshaverecentlyfoundmicroplasticsinArcticsnow. 2 Sadly,thescientists found1,800piecesof microplasticperliterof snow. HowisplasticpollutionreachingtheArctic? Accordingtoscientists.“It?sapparentthatthemajorityofthemicroplasticsinthesnowcomesfromthe air.”Theyfalloffplasticobjectsandaremovedby thewind,ju...
720.In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen. 1967年,中国政府成立了一支科学家团队,...
Inorganic chemistry focuses on materials that are not based on carbon, like metals, minerals, and salts. This branch helps scientists understand the chemistry of rocks, metals, and other materials found in the Earth and even in space. Inorganic chemistry is important for industries like construction...
Physics students should be curious about the mathematical intricacies that underlie the universe and be prepared to work on complex problems. If you are an adept mathematician who’s excited to develop strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills, a physics major could be the right fit for...
1、问题:Three kinds of words, words beginning with a vowel, those ending with a consonant, words of one or two syllables, are more likely to be misunderstood or difficult to understand. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】 2、问题:Read the following choice items for a news report and answer...
While there are many benefits to taking a gap year, it’s worth considering that there are also risks involved. Some of the disadvantages of a gap year you might encounter include: You’ll be a year behind everyone who graduated high school/secondary school with you, if they didn’t take...
Economics does not naturally lend itself to scientifichypothesis testingas does physics. In the field of epistemology, scientists can learn through logical thought experiments, also called deduction, or through empirical observation and testing, also called positivism. Geometry is a logically deductive sci...
STEM stands for science,technology,engineeringandmathematicsand refers to any subjects that fall under these four disciplines. Because these things are never straightforward, there are also dozens of alternative versions of STEM (including STEAM, STREAM and METALS) but STEM is by far the most widely...
And it’s this property of muons that archaeologists are taking advantage of. 而考古学家现在利用的正是介子的这一特性。 Let me explain. With the right kind of equipment, scientists can use muons to create a kind of picture of the structures they’re studying. ...