(2008). Sexual communication in cane toads (Chaunus marinus): what cues influence the duration of amplexus? -- Anim. Behav. 75: 1571-1579.Bowcock H, Brown GP, Shine R. Sexual communication in cane toads ( Bufo marinus ): what cues influence the duration of amplexus? Anim. Behav . ...
Cane toads are similar to any other toad in that they need the basics of life to survive: food, shelter, water, and a good habitat. Cane toads are... Learn more about this topic: Cane Toad Facts: Lesson for Kids from Chapter 5/ Lesson 18 ...
However, this area of the Kimberley is rich in sandstone gorges. Some of these gorges are the right size and orientation—away from the sun—to offer cane toads more comfortable, shady habitats. The researchers used remote cameras at eight different locations to monitor the toads' activity. The...