When you click on a movie on Rotten Tomatoes, the first thing you see are two independent scores. One signifies an aggregation of critical ratings of a film (the“Tomatometer”) and the other, denoted by a popcorn bucket, displays audience consensus on a film. In regards to critical reviews...
While Reelgood’s acquisition of the service meant Roulette would no longer have acool, Netflixian aesthetic, it also meant Roulette became considerably more powerful, thanks to the massive Reelgood search engine, introducing the option to filter by IMDB score as well as Rotten Tomatoes to weed ...
“Best of Enemies” is at, well, its best when focusing on their butting heads – not the heads doing the butting. Buckley and Vidal are interesting figures in their own right, but they just go better together in the same way that salt and pepper shakers should never be separated. Listen...
Shot over eight days in 2020, the film won the 2022 Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature, and has an 86% critics’ rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with Film Threat calling it “an absolute joy” and The Wrap saying “Karan Soni and Geraldine Viswanatha are perfect”. Local 1960 |...
Watch Harry Styles in the new Dunkirk trailer With Dunkirk, though, the early reviews are positive - with a near-perfect score of 95% on ratings website Rotten Tomatoes after 28 were published on Monday. "It is very different to his previous feature, the bafflingly overhyped sci-fi convoluti...
Socher et al. used Amazon's Mechanical Turk to create fine-grained labels for all parsed phrases in the corpus. This competition presents a chance to benchmark your sentiment-analysis ideas on the Rotten Tomatoes dataset. You are asked to label phrases on a scale of five values: negative, ...
Here are three stats that often pop into my life that don’t explain exactly what they’re suggesting they do: 1. Rotten Tomatoes ratings: I used to think that a high RT rating was a pretty-much-guaranteed indication of a film’s quality, but then something happened. John Wick got 85...
If you don’t know what to watch in the coming holiday, here are the top movie search engines on the web. Some require little or no input before they give you titles, while others want to find out exactly what your interests are. Rotten Tomatoes Instead of telling Rotten Tomatoes whic...
Most recently, Falco appeared as the lead role onTommy, a crime drama about the first female police chief of the LAPD. Unfortunately,Tommyreceived mixed reviews from critics, as measured byRotten Tomatoes, and CBS canceled the program after its first season, viaDeadline. ...
Yet if we are to make responsible decisions about going to see a movie, then someone else is going to have to see the film first. It would be best if that person shared both our values and our taste in movies. If you choose movies based on their entertainment, artistic or spiritual ...