Staying informed about the potential signs of relapse and engaging in continuous self-care are proactive steps you can take. Recognize that you’re not alone on this journey and that help is always available. Your determination and the support of those around you are powerful tools in navigating...
Despite the difficulty in detecting the early stages of an alcohol use disorder, it must be caught as early as possible, as the longer it takes for someone to enter recovery treatment, the harder it is on them, with a much higher likelihood of severe withdrawal symptoms and relapse. Learning...
There are notably 3 stages of relapse. Yet, there are 2 main types of relapsing. Before we move onto the 3 stages of relapsing, we want to note the 2 types of relapse. A relapse can be traditional or a ‘freelapse’. Traditional relapse is when you consciously make a decision to drin...
Drug overdoses are very common and dangerous events. Each year,in the U.S. die from a drug overdose. For those that survive an overdose, some go on to have harmful, long-term effects. Recognizing signs of an overdose early, can get treatment in place to prevent some of these complicatio...
What are the first signs of acute myeloid leukemia? Are headaches a sign of cervical cancer? What are the symptoms of bile duct cancer? What are the symptoms of a leukemia relapse? What are the symptoms of neuroendocrine tumors? What are the symptoms of anal cancer?
While medication-assisted treatment plays a crucial role in managing OUD, behavioral therapies are equally important in promoting long-term recovery and preventing relapse. These therapies aim to modify destructive thought patterns, promote positive behaviors, and build resilience against triggers or stress...
Relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS)is the most common type of MS. It has quiet and active periods. The quiet periods are called remissions. During remissions you may have little or no symptoms. Remission may last for months or years. During an active period, or relapse of MS, your symptoms may...
Some of the latest research shows that mindfulness can reduce mild to moderate depression, and anxiety, while also potentially helping prevent depressive relapse(s). Mindfulness is also promising for issues with any vices you may be looking to overcome . (6) Do you want to practice mindfulness?
To not fall into my defense mechanisms and relapse. It’s my son and I against the world, or for it. You can be damn sure I will do everything in my power to give us the best life I can. A happy, peaceful life where we can be proud of who we are, love with open arms and...
The symptom-free periods are known as remissions and when the symptoms return, the recurrence is referred to as an attack, exacerbation, or relapse. The main feature of MS is symptomatic episodes that reappear after several months or years. During an MS attack, you may experience some symptoms...