What are evangelical denominations? What is historical theology? What does the Bible say about theology? What is the theology of the cross? What is New Testament theology? What denominations practice Reformed theology? What is the difference between a Baptist and a Protestant?
for example, the first Christians practiced a simple kind of freely chosen communal living as a way of maintaining solidarity and avoiding the evils associated with the private ownership of worldly possessions. This voluntary communal living did not last long and was not widely practiced ...
What are the main beliefs of Anabaptists? Anabaptists are Christians whobelieve in delaying baptism until the candidate confesses his or her faith in Christ, as opposed to being baptized as an infant. The Amish, Hutterites, and Mennonites are direct descendants of the movement. ...
What symbols are present in the sacrament of reconciliation and what are their meanings? What denominations practice Reformed theology? What is sola scriptura? What is a born again Pagan? What is the Canon of Scripture? What is a revelation in theology?
I was recently surprised to see that a Reformed pastor has taken the time to produce a carefully written 3-part series about his disapproval of The Head Covering Movement. Of course, a number of Christians (mostly in the last century) have written commentaries, studies, and sermons that disa...
During the Middle Ages the Catholic Church united the Christians of western Europe in a single faith, but the Church was a political and economic institution as well as a religious one. By the 1300s, many Catholics felt that the Church had become far too worldly and corrupt. 99 Words 1 ...
Rituals and ceremonies are the practical aspects of Christianity, which involve customary acts of special, deliberate and repeatable patterns of behaviour through the use of words, actions and symbols (Coleman, 2006). Rituals and ceremonies solidify the relationship between Christians and God as they ...
But most of the time, when Christians use the word sanctification, they are referring to the progressive work of God to make a believer more like Jesus Christ. As such, Paul can write, “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality” (1 The...
The baptism of the Spirit is an important distinctive for Pentecostals. Speaking in tongues is the sign of the baptism. Pentecostalism among Reformed Christians; the posterity gospel. INSET: Differences within the family.;St. Luke.. 被引量: 1 年份: 1987 ...
1 2 HOWWEBELIEVE 1.WEARECHRISTIAN First,weareChristianswhichdistinguishesusfromotherworldreligionsandcults.Therefore,we adheretoboththeApostlesandNiceneCreeds.Wealsoverymuchagreewiththetheologicaland confessionalstatementsofTheGospelCoalition 2.WEAREEVANGELICAL Second,weareEvangelicalsandinagreementwiththedoctrinal...