根据第二段So when the rays of sunlight heat the Earth,it warms up.The Earth gives out heat but not all of it gets into outer space.Some of it get s trapped close to the Earth and this warms up the air around us.所以当太阳光照射地球时,地球就会变暖。地球散发热...
What are particles of radiant energy called?Radiant Energy Distribution:Radiant energy can be any part of the entire electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, including gamma rays, x-rays, radio waves, microwaves, visible light, and heat. Dual Nature of Light:...
UVA and UVB Rays are different types of a form of energy called ultraviolet (UV) radiation commonly seen as sunlight. Both UVA and UVB rays can cause harm to the skin. But there are some health benefits available from UVA and UVB rays. Making sure you protect your skin can help you...
Learn more about how the Sun's solar energy affects our lives and how its rays can stimulate vitamin D production but unfortunately can also cause skin cancer. Related to this QuestionWhat are the risks to the body associated with X-rays? What is the danger of ultraviolet ray...
18、 mass easily Beyond that the colours darkened into fine shades of deep blue, and gradually disappeared. Above me was the calm surface of the sea. This dazzling carpet drove away the rays of the sun with wonderful intensity 1 What does the author mean by “Words are not enough to rela...
If you think a high﹣factor sunscreen (防晒霜) keeps you safe from harmful rays,you may be wrong.Research in this week's Nature shows that while factor 50reduces the number of melanomas (黒瘤) and delays their occurrence,it can't prevent them.Melanomas are the most aggressive skin cancer...
Having the property of transmitting rays of light, so that bodies can be distinctly seen through; pervious to light; diaphanous; pellucid; as, transparent glass; a transparent diamond; - opposed to opaque. Transparent Admitting the passage of light; open; porous; as, a transparent veil. Transpa...
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found in certain foods and supplements, but it can also be made by the body when your skin is exposed to the ultraviolet rays of sunlight. [1] It is actually the only vitamin of the 13 essential vitamins that your body can manufacture on its...
Birds are of the sky, not of the earth. Sun To expose to the sun's rays; to warm or dry in the sun; as, to sun cloth; to sun grain. Then to sun thyself in open air. Earth (British) A connection electrically to the earth (US ground); on equipment: a terminal connected in th...
Sunlight is also known to cause skin cancer. However, you can still get outside and sunbathe. It all boils down to how much you are consuming. The study found that all metals except chromium were within acceptable daily allowances. This was determined through a comparison of accepted water ...