Rain forest information for school kids | kids.mongabay | WHAT ARE RAINFORESTS? Tropical rainforests are forests with tall trees, warm climate, and lots of rain. In some rainforests it rains more than one inch every day! Rainforests are found in Africa, Asia, Australia, and Central and South...
Rainforests, such as in the Amazon, should be preserved because the trees in these areas consume large amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Hence, the large-scale planting of trees can mitigate global warming. Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a st...
Tropical rainforests are home to indigenous peoples who rely on their surroundings for food, shelter, and medicines. Today very few forest people live in traditional ways; most have been displaced by outside settlers or have been forced to give up their lifestyles by governments. ...
In regards to plants, palms are dominant in the Amazon rainforests. Some kinds of palm form a canopy that reaches 20 meters in height. The canopy is so heavy that it may block the sunlight from reaching the bottom of the forest. The bottom of the rainforest is less diverse than the ...
What are some animal adaptations to a temperate forest? What reptiles live in the tundra biome? What birds live in the savanna biome? What is the vegetation of a tropical rainforests? What are African forest biomes? How many animals live in a grassland biome?
There are typically about 6 main biomes in the world. A biome is a large area of land that has the same climate, plants and animals. The Earth's main biomes include: The Tundra, The Taiga, Deciduous Forests, Rainforests, Grasslands, and Deserts. ...
1. Not the entire territory is suitable for walking. Tourists can explore rainforests only with a guide. One of the most difficult routes is the ascent of Mount Nambukelevu surrounded by impenetrable tropical thickets. 2. The main type of transport on the island is the water one. Tourists ...
Here are some of them. 1. Don’t do exercise in the open. Exercising in the open makes you breathe(呼吸) deeply, and you will take in the particles(颗粒物) deep into your lungs. 2. Stay indoors and keep the air clean. If you can, just stay in your room and keep the doors and...
That experience led Rhett Butler to begin writing a book about rainforests and threats to their existence. But he did not publish the book. Instead, in 1999, he used his research for the book to create a web site. The site is Mongabay.com. The name is spelled m-o-n-g-a-b-a-y....
“I like to tell my kids, ‘Whenever you have a question, whenever you have a doubt, search it out.’” Ready to launch a virtual journey of your own? Here are a few starting points to get you thinking and to help you on your way. You can invite your parents along for the ride...