It usually takes several rounds of tests to diagnose porphyria because of the way it tends to come and go and because many of the symptoms are also symptoms of other conditions. Sometimes other conditions can cause similar symptoms, including something called pseudoporphyria. People with pseudo...
Hyperviscosity syndrome: In a patient undergoing work-up for MM or with an established diagnosis, symptoms of headache, nose bleeds, mental status or visual changes, auditory symptoms, focal weakness, excessive lethargy, seizures, or coma should raise suspicion for hyperviscosity syndrome. Though ext...
AandBAxial CT images with contrast of a 77-year-old female with HHT and portal hypertension showing cirrhotic features due to pseudocirrhosis. Findings consistent with HHT and portal hypertension including ascites, hypertrophy of the caudate lobe, portal venous enlargement, and varices Full size image...
Dural AVMs are also known as arteriovenous fistulas or AVFs, where the veins of the brain are draining into the venous sinuses, before it leaves the skull and travels back to the heart. The most common AVFs are the dural AV fistulas and the carotid-cavernous fistulas. Spinal AVMs can ar...