What would be the new kingdom groupings according to some of the scientists that the article mentioned? I don't really know enough about biology to even come up with a good guess about other ways to separate various organisms. Also, do organisms in the protista kingdom have any good ...
What is the exact name of the main primary pigment in all plant like protista? Achlorophyll a Bchlorophyll b Cchlorophyll c Dchlorophyll dSubmit In his protista, Haeckel included AProtozoa BBacteria and fungi CUnicellular Algae DAll the above.Submit Life styles represented in protista are A...
KingdomThe highest taxonomic rank, immediately above phylum or division. There are five biological kingdoms (Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia) into which organisms are grouped, based on common characteristics. (NCI Thesaurus)YOU MAY ALSO LIKEKinetics Kinetics is the branch of mechanics ...
An organism is found that has the following traits: 1. multicellular 2. cannot photosynthesize 3. has a skull What kingdom does this organism most likely belong in? a. fungi b. protista c. plantae d. animalia What are the similarities between symbiotic and parasitic fungal relationships?
What are protozoans Class 11? Hint: Protozoans areunicellular eukaryotic organisms with heterotrophic nutritionclassified under the kingdom Protista. They are classified based on their mode of locomotion into four major groups. The various modes of locomotion are flagella, cilia, pseudopodia, etc. ...
The animalia kingdom is the largest kingdom, consisting of over one million species. Sponge, plankton, insects, arachnids, humans and whales among other animals are creatures of this kingdom and reside virtually everywhere. This stands true for the North and South Pole, the oceans, lakes and ...
Kingdom Protista The protist kingdom was first suggested by German zoologist Ernst Haecklel in 1866. It was the third kingdom at the time, intended to create a place formicroorganisms. Protists are not quite animal or plant life, and they lack a nucleus which makes them prokaryotic. Yet pr...
Protists are classified as Kingdom Protista and consist of plant-like organisms (algae), animal-like organisms (amoebas), and fungus-like organisms (slime molds). Protists produce oxygen, play an important role in the food chain, and recycle nutrients for other organisms to utilize....
Algae are a group of aquatic, autotrophic, nucleus-bearing organisms of the kingdom Protista possessing no true roots, leaves, or stems. They also lack distinctive cells and tissue types such as phloem, stomata, and xylem present in other plants but produce their food and, by extension, provi...
Moreover, this edition discusses recent work in molecular systematics.A large new section on "Kingdom Protista" (replacing "Protozoa") containing new contemporary views of these organisms (arranged in 17 phyla).Richard C. BruscaGary J. Brusca...