are they bacteriostatic or cidal? explain MOA??2 reasons they may not work??Prophylactically indicated for prevention of 3 things-on bp Most effective & least toxic of all antimicrobial drugsDerived from strains of common molds. Int...
Steroidal treatment, inject-able Imitrex, and various prescription painkillers may be prescribed, with the Imitrex being used for onset of attacks and steroids such as Prednisone used as a prophylactic during the non remission period. Painkillers are not effective at the beginning of an attack, ...
Women who have a high risk ofbreast cancermay choose to have apreventive mastectomy, also called prophylactic mastectomy. Studies show that women with a high risk of breast cancer may be as much as 90% less likely to get the disease after preventive mastectomy. ...
Packing seasickness meds is never a bad idea, especially if you're prone to it! I had no issues while taking Dramamine (active ingredient Meclizine) prophylactically every day, and also packed a ReliefBand, just to be safe. Multiple swimsuits – You'll be swimming/snorkeling at least 1-2...
If it occurred a few months ago, the prophylactic HIV treatment for a blood spatter could’ve altered the results of your semen analysis. You can take supplements now, and take another SE in a few months to see if the results continue to be altered or have returned to normal. If they ...
If your dog (or cat) has not had any heartworm coverage for 6 months or more, it is important that you get him or her tested before starting him on any heart worm prophylactic medications. The test is a simple blood test and vets can usually run the test in-house. If the test comes...
It has been accepted in modern America that the fall of every year brings the onset of ‘flu season,’ and persons susceptible to lung problems are urged to get prophylactic flu shots developed to take the edge off last year’s version of the flu. People die every year from complications ...
“not supposed to cause skin/rash problems. Well it does. I even sometimes add a day or two of methaprednisone if the itching is increasing. Again, I insisted on having a supply at home. My Oncologist had initially argued this prophylactic approach, saying ” just go to the Emergency ...
It is thought thatCP-1, CP-2 and CP-6 are acting as anti-hyperlipidemic agents by inhibiting the biosynthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides and therefore can be used for the prevention (prophylactic) of hyperlipidemia; however, the drug-drug interaction ofCP-1, CP-2 and CP-6 with dexame...
It is thought that CP-1,CP-2and CP-6 are acting as anti-hyperlipidemic agents by inhibiting the biosynthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides and therefore can be used for the prevention (prophylactic) of hyperlipidemia; however, the drug-drug interaction of CP-1,CP-2and CP-6 with dexameth...