Remember to tailor your examples to the specific job you are applying for, emphasizing transferable skills and experiences. What is your greatest achievement best answer? The best answer to this question will emphasize your work-related achievements, personal milestones, or academic success. It’ll ...
Long-term career goals are often the easiest to conceive, but rely on achieving building block and short-term goals, as well as other long-term goals, along the way. For example, if you set a long-term goal to become a partner in a law firm, you must earn a bachelor’s degree, at...
Significant accomplishments are something to be proud of. Don’t be shy about sharing them in an interview. Honest enthusiasm for your achievements speaks well to the energy you’ll bring to the job. That’s something a hiring manager wants to see. Use our interview tips and examples to pre...
Professional references arepersons who can vouch for your qualifications for a job based on their insight into your work ethic, skills, strengths, and achievements. Typically, a professional reference is a former employer. ... The references should be listed along with their contact information. W...
C.Booksarealwaysgiventoadolescentsas valuablepresents. D.Bookswilloffertheteensanurgetomake greatachievements. 14.What?stheauthor?sattitudetowardsbookishenvironment? A.Opposed. B.Neutral. C.Indifferent. D.Supportive. 15.What?sthebesttitleforthetext? A.ReadingMoreHelpsImproveChildren?sAbilities B.Reading...
Too often, job applicants use a resume simply to list the positions they have held, and they do not include enough about what they have accomplished in those positions. As you highlight each work experience, add a list of critical accomplishments. These specific achievements are what separate ...
For example, are they seeking an experienced, friendly retail sales associate? Tell them how you’ve been in that role for the last 3 years, consistently maintaining a 95% customer satisfaction rate. Usemoderationwhen talking about your professional achievements. Nobody likes a windbag. ...
A college resume is used by current students or recent graduates to apply for a job or internship position. It typically places greater emphasis on your education and non-work related experience than a traditional resume which focuses on your professional achievements. ...
Achievements are not just about the end result but about the journey and the lessons learned along the way. As Burke notes, a personal accomplishment can speak volumes about your ability to overcome challenges, work outside your comfort zone or gain new skills. “Demonstrating personal growth...
4. Pick Great Achievements for aWhat Makes You UniqueAnswer Uh-oh.You chose the wrong achievement for yourwhat makes me uniqueanswer. Now the hiring manager is daydreaming aboutBetter Call Saulwhile you talk. So what are the mostimpressiveachievements to answerwhat makes you unique?