Auditory Processing Disorder is an abnormality in the brain's ability to turn sound into usable information. It often causes listening problems that often mimic a hearing loss.
Takeaway Eating disorders are mental illnesses that can’t simply be overcome with willpower or simple dietary changes. In general, the emotional challenges causing them must be addressed by a mental health professional for recovery to be possible. Early identification and treatment can greatly improve...
beforewewerespoiledwithin-homewaterheaters.Manyhealthbenefitsareassociatedwithtakingcoldshowers,themostpopularonebeingimprovedcirculation(血液循环).Coldwaterhitting thebodycausesbloodtomoveclosertotheinner organstokeepthem warm. 1 Also,those whotakeacoldshowerinthe morningaremostlikelytobemoreenergeticthan peoplewh...
S. (2000). Cognitive treatments of sentence processing disorders: What have we learned? Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 10, 311-336.C.C. Mitchum, M.L. Greenwald and R.S. Berndt, Cognitive treatments of sentence processing disorders: what have we learned? Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 10 (...
Auditory processing disorders are treatable. There are several interventions that you can use. A classic intervention for auditory processing disorder is called auditory training, where you actually sit with the children and ask them to do speech discrimination tasks. But we also have commercial produc...
Eating disorders are not just a matter of dieting or self-control. They have far deeper roots than that and require specialized treatment to address both the distorted thoughts and harmful behaviors. Additionally, eating disorders frequently occur with other mental illnesses, such as depression, anxie...
Sleep disorders prevent or interfere with sleep and fall into one of two different categories: dyssomnias and parasomnias. Explore the causes and...
eating disorders 进食障碍 He was suffering from some form of psychiatric disorder. 他患有某种类型的精神错乱。 → note at disease elation, ela∙tion noun [U] · a feeling of great happiness and excitement· 兴高采烈;欢欣鼓舞;喜气洋洋 depression, de∙pres∙sion noun 1. [U] ·...
Children withauditory processing disorderhave normal hearing abilities, but their brains have difficulty receiving, organizing, and making sense of sound, which can impact how they listen, communicate, and learn. Symptoms of ADHD and APD may overlap, but their root causes are unique. (ADHD is str...
While you generally shouldn't attempt to initiate a course of exposure therapy without the help of a professional, becoming aware of the techniques and skills learned from this therapy can be a proactive step. There are several techniques found in the therapy that can be used at home as effec...