What factors contribute to the estimated density of a population? What were the causes of the Agricultural and Demographic revolution? How can the U.S. government make the people go out and vote? What are pull and push factors in international immigration? Specifically, what are the ...
Most, if not all, political decision-makers are keenly aware of the challenges and needs related to developing the mobility system with respect to taxation and pricing. However, usually there is little willingness to stir the soup by initiating changes that are considered too radical. Such ...
findouttherelativeimpactoftwofactorsmost oftenlinkedtolifeexpectancy—raceandeducation—bylookingatdataabout5,114blackand whiteparticipantsinfourU.S.cities. Thelivesanddeathsamongthisgroupof people—whotookpartinthestudyapproximately 30yearsagowhentheywereintheirearly20s— showthatthelevelofeducation,andnotrace...
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The PESTLE Factors: Political Factors:Stability of the political environment and the attitudes of political parties or movements are the major issues to be considered in Political Factors because these factors influence the tax policies or regu...
Are they part of the Open Government Partnership (OGP)? Is there a promise to advance the ATI law under OGP? All of these factors can be used to hold governments to account. There might also be legislative considerations: for example in Spain, ATI did not fall under the fourth action ...
Communities are groups of living organisms, plants and animals, that interact with one another and the abiotic (nonliving) components of their environment such as available light and water. The level of diversity in communities is a measure of the health of that particular ecosystem....
This paper uses pooled cross-sectional time series analysis to examine the factors that push governments in the post-communist region to pursue good quality banking sector reform. I probe the impact of two important characteristics of the domestic political system: partisan politics and domestic allia...
ability to produce certain goods and services. They trade with other countries to get what their population needs and demands. However, trade isn't always conducted in an amenable manner between trading partners. Policies, geopolitics, competition, and many other factors can make trading partners ...
Tariffs also can be used as a political tool to manage relationships. How a Tariff Works Tariffs are used to restrict imports by increasing the price of goods and services purchased from another country. This makes them less attractive to domestic consumers. There are two types of tariffs: ...
Central banks cannot prop up the exchange rate for prolonged periods due to the resulting decline in foreign reserves as well as political and economic factors such as rising unemployment. Devaluing the currency by increasing the fixed exchange rate also results in domestic goods being cheaper than ...