A phrase is identified by its head, the most central word of the group. If the head is an adjective, the phrase is termed anadjective phrase. Similarly, if the head is a noun, the phrase is called anoun phrase.There are alsoverb phrases,adverb phrases, andprepositional phrases. Types of...
What are the millions of functional units of the kidney called? Kidneys: Kidneys are the main organs of the renal system that perform several regulatory processes need to maintain homeostasis. These regulatory processes are the maintenance of blood volume, blood pH, blood pressure, and fluid...
Polyacrylic acid is a large-molecular-weight compound called a polymer, which consists of small repeating units called monomers. The polyacrylate polymer used in diapers is constructed from the acrylic acid and sodium acrylate monomers. The length of the polymer chain and the properties of the polym...
We all rely on pH, pKa, and pI for a vast amount of our research. But what is pH? How does it relate to pKa and pI? These numbers fall into that category: “things I learned eons ago, and now I’m too embarrassed to ask what they are.” Fortunately, reading an article on the...
Candela: The candela (cd) is the unit of luminous intensity. The candela is sometimes called by its old name, the candle. The names and symbols for the units are written with lowercase letters, except for Kelvin (K), which is capitalized because it was named in honor of Lord Kelvin, an...
Identify the elements that have molecules as their basic units. a. Hydrogen. b. Iodine. c. Lead. d. Oxygen. Which of the following pairs of elements are likely to form an ionic compound? a. helium and oxygen b. magnesium and chlorine c. chlorine and bromine d. potassium and sulfu...
What are these things called geopolymers? A physico- chemical perspective. Ceram Trans: Am Ceram Soc 2003;153:175-86.MacKenzie, K.J.D., What are these things called geopolymers? A physico- chemical perspective. Advances in ceramic matrix composites IX. In Ceramic Transactions, vol. 153, ed...
A tiny change in pH, though, can represent a large change in the amount of acidity.Answer and Explanation: If Solution A has 10,000 times as many H+ ions as solution B, then solution A is 4 pH units less. For example, if ...
What are the functions of restriction enzymes? There is another digestive enzyme (other than salivary amylase) that is secreted by the salivary glands. Research to determine what this enzyme is called. What substrate does it act on? Where in the body does it become activated, and why?
Flash memory, also known as flash storage, is a type ofnonvolatile memorythat erases data in units calledblocksand rewrites data at the byte level. Flash memory is widely used for storage and data transfer in consumer devices, enterprise systems and industrial applications. Flash memory retains ...