Future efforts are needed to (1) increase self〆fficacy of older adults to discuss screening results with their HCPs, and (2) educate HCPs on the value of early detection of MCI/ADRD. Community dementia screening programs can increase MCI/ADRD detection, improving patientヽentered outcomes and...
Learn the facts about older adults and suicide and several strategies you can use for helping older adults at risk for suicide.
Younger age was significantly associated with frequently seeing women's pleasure (p<0.05), violence toward women which appeared consensual, and all types of violence (p<0.01). Older age was associated with frequently seeing men's pleasure (p<0.01) and heterosexual anal sex (p<0.05). Our ...
Flu season poses a greater threat to adults 65 and older, who are at higher risk for severe complications. Here’s what older Americans need to know: Now Playing What Older Adults Should Know About Their Flu Shot00:37 Next Up South: Snow, Ice Could Impact You This Week00:39 Northeast:...
6.Validating Habitual and Goal-Directed Decision-Making Performance Online in Healthy Older Adults[O].Kaori L. Ito,Laura Cao,Renee Reinberg,2021 机译:在健康的老年人在线验证习惯性和目标导向的决策表现 7.From Nigeria with love? Over slachtoffers en daders van online datingfraude[O].Wingerden S....
The training needs of older workers in increasing the 'employability' of older adults, since the population is ageing and there are fewer young people coming through into the workforce. This... K Ball,J Misko,A Smith - Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association 被引量: 6...
What causes anorexia in older adults?Decreased sense of taste and smell Living alone Change in environment, such as moving to a nursing home Low income Dental problems, dentures that do not fit well, or chewing or swallowing problems Medical conditions that affect your appetite, such as cancer,...
Older adults have always been important parts of children's lives, playing a variety of roles including grandparent, caregiver, friend, and neighbour. Grandparents also play a variety of roles in families. Often a child's first encounter with serious illness or death involves a grandparent or ...
However, recently published research examining the care planning priorities of older adults with advancedbladder cancerfound that patients want more transparent communication with theircare providers, including what to expect fromtreatment, how their quality of life might change, and how their families can...
Older adults with Down's syndrome are able to say what they want from their doctor. They can be helped to do this by working together in a small group.关键词: Down syndrome health learning disability DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-3156.2005.00387.x 被引量: 1 ...