Codes are determined strictly by the documentation that is held in the medical record. There is an old medical billing adage that states, “If it is not documented, it is not done.” Therefore, when coding, it is imperative that the only codes that are contained in a claim are codes th...
Across all sectors, girls and mothers agreed that menstrual health education was downplayed. One mother opined: ‘… they are young women with a right to know how their body works’ (Mother_Girl). Schools were perceived to assign priority to other subjects rather than health. As Lucy mused:...
SysML extends KerML syntax and tailors the corresponding semantics. The notations most modelers use are specific to SysML, which are largely independent of KerML, aside from a common expression language, said Ed Seidewitz, OMG SMC co-chair. This separation is said to provide a commonkernelthat...
Nevertheless, I will not back away from the following statement: "We must keep in mind, however, that these tools and notations are not a software design. Eventually, we have to create the real software design, and it will be in some programming language. Therefore, we should not be ...
—if it helps, then use it. We must keep in mind, however, that these tools and notations are not a software design. Eventually, we have to create the real software design, and it will be in some programming language. Therefore, we should not be afraid to code our designs as we ...