The pulses were normal, and the patient was able to wiggle the toes. However, there was decreased range of motion of the left ankle. Because of this radiographs of the left lower extremity and ankle were obtained. The ankle films were normal except for a little swelling but the lower ...
The PWV was measured for 10 consecutive pulses, and was the average used for analysis. The coefficient of variation of PWV was o5%. ABPI was determined at the time of cfPWV measurement using the same device, which simultaneously measures the arm and ankle (brachial and posterior tibial) ...
For a complete summary on the use of MRI-based techniques in neuroplasticity studies, readers are referred to.48 Lastly, TMS is a technique that allows stimulation of an area of the cortex non-invasively through the scalp by means of brief pulses, administered by a stimulation coil using ...
There are two main approaches to conducting WAI. The first approach is when the participant chooses the route to follow, she/he is the expert of a given geographical location and indicates meaningful places to the researcher [22,28,29]. The second approach is when the route is pre-defined...