"The non-hormonal aspect of this product is really exciting," Dr. Kelly Culwell, chief medical officer at Evofem, told TODAY last year. "There are a fair number of women who cannot use hormones at all for medical reasons, but there are a lot of women who are just concerned about hormo...
These are the least effective non-pill, prescription birth control. These are nonhormonal barrier methods: They put a physical barrier between sperm and egg. You only use them when you need them (they’re placed right before you have sex) — which requires planning. They areless than 90%ef...
These are the least effective non-pill, prescription birth control. These are nonhormonal barrier methods: They put a physical barrier between sperm and egg. You only use them when you need them (they’re placed right before you have sex) — which requires planning. They are less than 90...
Cummings tells SELF that if you aren’t comfortable using hormonal birth control or have had negative experiences with certain hormonal methods, you have other options (more on that shortly). What are my options for long-acting reversible contraception? When providers talk about LARC methods, they...
This is Part 2 of a 2 part article series on birth control options besides the birth control pill. Part 1 explored hormonal and copper IUDs. Part 2 will cover the ring, the patch, the diaphragm, condoms, and the fertility awareness method ...
What are the long-term effects of stress on glucocorticoid synthesis and the function of the pituitary-adrenal axis? Which methods of birth control work by altering the hormonal chemistry of the female partner? Mary Jones is a college student who has heard that the ris...
Hormonal:Aftermenopause, lower estrogen levels may cause changes in your genital tissues and sexual responsiveness. A decrease in estrogen causes a decrease in blood flow to the pelvic region, which can result in less genital sensation, making it more difficult to build arousal and reach orgasm. ...
"There are many birth control options that [a healthcare provider] should explore with you prior to resuming sex with your partner," said Dr. Ross. A Quick Review Having sex after childbirth is technically permitted, but a healthcare provider may recommend waiting four to six weeks. That wai...
Individuals who are not trying to get pregnant need to use other birth control methods when they stop hormonal birth control. For example, you can use condoms or spermicide, a product that kills sperm.3 Little—If Any—Weight Change Stopping birth control may not have a large impact on ...
When used correctly, which is the most effective non-hormonal contraceptive method? a. male condom b. female condom c. spermicide d. diaphragmDescribe the general relationship between population growth and resource availability.In the Family Proclamation to t...