What are nicknames for Margaret? Margaret has many diminutive forms in many different languages, including:Maggie, Máiréad, Madge, Daisy, Margarete, Marge, Margo, Margie, Marjorie, Meg, Megan, Rita, Gretchen, and Peggy. What is Midge short for girl?
Nicknames: Maggie,Margi, Meg, Marg. Why is Peggy the nickname for Margaret? Daisy and Peggy = Margaret It seems like there should be a long explanation for Daisy, but it's as simple as this: The French word for "daisy" is "marguerite." As for Peggy? Well,Margaret was shorted to ni...
He looked straight at jurors when he spoke, and grew visibly emotional talking about his slain wife and son, often referring to them by endearing nicknames. He called his son “Paul-Paul,” during testimony, and often referred to his wife as “Mags.” “That’s one of the biggest ...
” not too fat, with leading girls in books. But I’m going to be really cliche here and say for the inspirational characters thing, pretty much all of the Harry Potter girls (actresses AND their characters!) are so inspirational. Also, Lady Gaga. I’m ...