Information freedom.Net neutrality promotes free speech and idea sharing. Net neutrality laws will prevent ISPs from getting the power to regulate or prohibit what their customers see, access or read on the internet. Business freedom and consumer choice.By threatening to block access to some sites ...
Net neutrality rules put in place under the Obama administration are at risk of being overturned. TheFederal Communications Commissionwill vote Thursday on whether to remove net neutrality rules instituted during the Obama administration, after a proposal by PresidentDonald Trump's appointed FCC Chairman...
Unfair or bad-faith practices by ISPs, should they occur, can be addressed by existing anti-trust laws – as they always have. But all that followed the rollback decision was… hysteria. “Taking away #NetNeutrality is the Authoritarian dream,” a...
Under net neutrality, internet providers are not allowed to give preferential treatment to certain types of data. Whether you're accessing How-To Geek, Google, or a tiny website running on shared hosting somewhere, your Internet service provider treats these connections equally, sending data to yo...
Net Neutrality Net Neutrality is the principle that allInternettraffic is to be treated equally by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), regardless of its origin or theprotocolit uses. While Net Neutrality protections are in place, an ISP can not block, throttle, or prioritize traffic from specific...
Earlier this week, the FCC chairman Ajit Pai submitted a proposal to kill net neutrality. What does that mean? And how will it impact you and the Internet? How will it impact developers? According to Wikipedia Net neutrality is the principle that states that the Internet Service Providers and...
What is Net Neutrality?: On June 14, 2016, a federal court upheld the FCC's net neutrality rules. But what is net neutrality, and how does it affect the Internet, businesses, and consumers? AEI fellow Mark Jamison explains.
Net neutrality is a relatively simple concept with many complex views surrounding it. Many opinions, however, boil down to accepting regulation or allowing the free market to decide. This goes a long way to explaining why the issue is so polarising in the US. What are your thoughts on the ...
or websites no matter the source of it or the content. All ISPs need to enable all content and applications existing on the internet. Network Neutrality is a principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally, with no discrimination (just as telephone companies are not permitted to ...
with a desire to promote an open Internet and widespread Internet access to the nation's citizens, advocated together for net neutrality laws. Service providers who violate these regulations face losing their license to operate.1617