ELSS funds work just like other diversified equity mutual fund schemes. The only differences are the 3-year lock-in period and tax benefit eligibility under Section 80C. Here’s a quick overview of ELSS mutual funds: The fund manager invests across a range of stocks after research. ...
Stocks are bought and sold in your name, with the help of a power of attorney. But the way PMS is structured, it allows fund managers to take concentrated calls on their high-conviction stocks without too many regulatory and operational constraints prevalent in a mutual fund portfolio. Some P...
You are investing in Lumpsum Invest a single, complete sum of money is one shot SIP An easy way of investing small amounts of money overtime Disclaimer: Past performance may or may not be sustained in futureView All Schemes Start a SIP...
Ans. Liquid schemes are mutual fund schemes that invest in short-term, high-quality debt instruments to provide high liquidity and safety for investors. Q11. Where does a liquid fund invest? Ans. A liquid fund primarily invests in short-term, highly liquid instruments such as Treasury bills, ...
These schemes are classified as high-risk and have the potential to maximise return. Match the fund’s risk exposure with your profile before you choose to invest. To know about these factors, Click here (More here: What is an equity fund?) Advantages of Mutual Funds(FAQs)s What are the...
Add to Cart Invest You are investing in Lumpsum Invest a single, complete sum of money is one shot SIP An easy way of investing small amounts of money overtime Disclaimer : Past performance may or may not be sustained in future View All Schemes Start a SIP...
A mutual fund is a pool of money deposited by thousands of investors, collected by a mutual fund company, commonly known as a fund house. The fund house then uses the pooled money to buy stocks, bonds, commodities, etc. Each fund house has various schemes. For example, a scheme can b...
The NRI customers are charged @ 10% (plus surcharge, if applicable and cess) without indexation relating to units redeemed from unlisted schemes. This is applicable to the case of long-term capital gains. Alternative to International Mutual Funds: PPFAS Long Term Equity Fund ...
Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage Fund: These schemes are truly dynamic and can shift between 100 percent debt to 100 percent equity asset class. The asset allocation is decided based on the recommendation of the financial model deployed by the fund. These funds are suitable for inves...
Various types of Mutual Fund schemes exist to cater to different needs of different people. Largely there are three types mutual funds. EquityorGrowth Funds These invest predominantly in equities i.e. shares of companies The primary objective iswealth creationorcapital appreciation. ...