Drugs are classified into five distinct schedules that weigh medical benefits against their potential for abuse as called for by Congress in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Explore the drug classification process, and discover examples of Schedule...
What kind of hallucinations are most common in schizophrenia? Describe some of the short and long-term effects of hallucinogenic drugs. Why don't hallucinogenic drugs show the same kind of addictive patterns as other drugs like cocaine and heroin?
The person is drawn back to the addictive behavior. It’s very much like the “moth being drawn to the flame.” So why doesn’t the addict stop what they are doing due to the consequences? Some people actually do. I have seen people quit smoking,drinking, and even doing hard drugs ju...
What is one of the most addictive drugs on the planet? A drug that can make you feel as though bugs are crawling underneath your flesh? A drug that will actually change the way your brain functions and the way you look? If you guessed methamphetamine, or meth, you are right. Meth is...
Addictive personality disorder is a condition in which a person experiences an increased risk of becoming addicted to...
Because both drugs contain amphetamines, they work in a similar way. Studies have shown that Vyvanse is just as effective as Adderall, and side effects are similar. The risk of dependence (this means how likely you are to become dependent or addicted to the drug) appears similar for both Ad...
Blues are powerful substances, even more so if someone has been taking pills laced with opioids like fentanyl. Not only do these illicit drugs pose major health risks, but they also make it extremely hard to quit do the highly addictive nature of opioid drugs. If someone you love is dealing...
be ingesting through your nose. It’s not even the most effective way to take these drugs anyway, because you’re probably going to lose some of it when you’re crushing it up. If you have to use these drugs, don’t risk hurting yourself any more than you already are by snorting ...
Heroin, counterfeit prescription opioids and other recreational drugs laced with fentanyl are all illegal opioids. They are some of the most dangerous drugs because you aren’t always sure what you’re getting, which can lead to overdose and death. ...
Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs primarily used for treating anxiety, but they also are effective in treating several other conditions. Depressants that produce sedation, induce sleep, relieve anxiety and prevent seizures. Classified as Schedule IV in the Controlled Substances Act High potential ...