61 And again, as pertaining to the law of the priesthood.if any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another and the first give her consent, and if he espouse the second, and they are virgins, and have vowed to no other man, then is he justified; he cannot commit adultery fo...
1 Cor. 6:9, and Ephesians 5:5-8 teach that people who commit such mortal sins lose “their inheritance” in Heaven (justification). Examples of mortal sins are fornication, murder, drunkenness, lying, cheating, stealing, fraud, theft, masturbation, looking at pornography, giving full consent ...
The comma should have been placed after the word “sick.” There are many such examples throughout the King James Bible as well as other translations. John 5:28-29“Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, 29 And ...
have been very helpful for debunking the idea that if you publish a New York Times Bestseller you will have 'made it' and can quit your day job and write full time," Elmes explains. "Unless you are independently wealthy, the odds are very much against you in this regard." ...
It is a measure of how disgusting sin is to God. The fact it was the place God cast the rebellious angels is revealing. To the angels, our beautiful planet earth is a leper colony. We mortal humans are little more than bugs, willingly wallowing in the yuck of sin, yea, REVELING in...
Here are examples of what early Christian writers had to say on the subject of confession:The Didache“Confess your sins in church, and do not go up to your prayer with an evil conscience. This is the way of life. . . . On the Lord’s Day gather together, break bread, and give ...
11 Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. (1 Corinthians 10:11) And we are closer to the end than the Apostle Paul, who wrote the above, was. Just because you may not be wise or noble...
Immortality is only for a select few-those who are born again ("who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel" 2 Timothy 1:10). The rest of humanity, after suffering according to the level of their sins, will be destroyed. The wages of sin...
For the Christian, all sins—past, present, and future—are forgiven through faith in the atoning work of Jesus. Confession of sin allows for intimate fellowship with God, but a believer’s eternal destiny is set at the moment of receiving Christ. Repentance is not our seal into the King...
Naively, one can appeal to standard transfinite (cardinal) arithmetic to defend the view that all infinite sins are equally bad. One way to “measure” infinity is to map it to the size of the set of an infinite series of numbers. For example, there are an infinite number of natural nu...