Molluskshaveacoelom(abodycavity),butthecoelomismadefromcellMolluskshaveacoelom(abodycavity),butthecoelomismadefromcell masses,makingallspeciesinthisphylumprotosomes.Allorgansaremasses,makingallspeciesinthisphylumprotosomes.Allorgansare suspendedinthiscoelom,betweentheoutercoveringandthedigestivetubeofsuspendedinth...
What feature is found in all mollusks? Are mussels nekton? What is the clade that includes fungi and animals, but not slime molds? Are clownfish and sea anemones an example of mutualism? What are some examples of parasitism in the marine biome?
What are quagga, mussels, cichlid, and mollusks examples of? What are ectoparasites that are common to fish? What are reptiles, amphibians and fish? What are examples of sponges? Do cartilaginous fish have an operculum? Do jawless fish have teeth?
Give examples of each of the following animal phyla: mollusks, annelids, arthropods, chordates. Name the major classes in the eight most diverse phyla of invertebrate animals and list their distinguishing characteristics. What are the two forms...
As the name suggests, shellfish are animals that dwell in water and have a shell or shell-like exterior. They can be divided into two groups: crustaceans and mollusks. Crustaceans include shrimp, crayfish, crab, and lobster, while clams, scallops, oysters, and mussels are examples of mollusks...
What are some examples of interdependence in ecology? What are two types of symbiotic relationships seen in Fungi? What are commensalism, parasitism, and mutualism? What are the main differences between them? A relationship in which both parties benefit: a. predation b. commensalism c. mutualism ...
There are examples of observed microplastic abundance in terrestrial and freshwater environments leading to mitigations, such as the US Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015 [74] and state laws on the best management practices on preproduction pellet loss [75]. Interestingly, these two examples share ...
What are pesticides and herbicides explain with example? pests include insects, plant pathogens, weeds, mollusks, etc, that destroy the plant crop and spread diseases. Aldrin and dieldrin are the names of some common pesticides. Herbicidesare pesticides specially meant for killing weeds. Examples inc...
When most people hear the word "tentacle," the first animal they think of is probably a cephalopod. Cephalopods are a group of mollusks -- the same family as shellfish and snails -- that includes octopus, squid and cuttlefish. The family also includes the extinct belemite and ammonites. ...
A wampum is a string of white shell beads. These beads were traditionally produced by Native Americans in the Northeastern region of what is now known as the United States from mollusks such as the quahog clam and whelk, and they had great cultural and ceremonial significance. Several examples...