Generally, there are about four or six boat teams in a dragon boat race. Each team usually includes 20 people, who sit together in pairs. One person sits at the back and steers (掌控) the boat. There is also a drummer, who sits at the front. The team work together to move the ...
MULTIRACIAL peoplePOPULATION educationETHNICITYA broad range of terms have been proposed and debated for the 'mixed race' population. Dissatisfaction with 'mixed race', the term most widely used but contested on the grounds that it references the now discredited concept of 'race', has led to the... yourself mixed up in. – in the film get mixed up (in) 意思是卷入什么事情,这种事情通常有负面影响 e.g. He got mixed up with the wrong people. 他跟那些不应该在一起的人搅在一起了。 I don’t know how I got mixed up in the fighting. 我也搞不清楚,怎么他们之间的打斗我卷进去...
Research on mixed unions in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints presents another example. But here, despite both brides and grooms sharing the same faith, unions across race are largely restricted. Romanello (2023), for instance, found that Latina Mormons confronted “unique socioreli...
33、 has played a prominent _1_part in national moves. Men have often felt the need to cultivate _2_a given language to show that they are distinctive from another _3_ race whose hegemony they resent. At the time the United States _4_split off from Britain, for example, there were ...
aTalk about the saying that some modern inventions are a mixed blessing to human race and give some examples and what problems they have brought us. 谈论说法一些现代发明是有喜有忧对人种并且有些举例子,并且什么问题他们带来了我们。[translate]...
An exploration of intermarriage and 'mixed race' young people in Britain.Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33(7), pp. 1194-1213.Song, Miri (2010), "What happens after segmented assimilation? An exploration of intermarriage and `mixed race' young people in Britain", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33(...
aTalk about the saying that some modern inventions are a mixed blessing to human race and give some examples and what problems they have brought us. 谈论说法一些现代发明是有喜有忧对人种并且有些举例子,并且什么问题他们带来了我们。[translate]...
involved: if we are searching for a word but cannot remember it; … 【解析】circumstances∧→that。本题考查it is… that…的强调句型。原文强调,只有在特殊的情况下,人们才会意识到语言的复杂性,本句强调的是状语only in exceptional circumstances,因此要在circumstances...
That may be one reason why so many people find relief in swimming when life's seas get rough.And it goes some way towards explaining why books about swimming, in which people tackle icy lakes, race in rivers and overcome oceans while reflecting on their lives, have recently become so ...