HIV infection compromises the intestinal epithelial barrier, increasing permeability and microbial translocation, which trigger inflammation and cellular stress. ART does not fully restore gut barrier integrity, leading to persistent inflammation and cellular stress. Additionally, HIV-associated microbial dysbiosi...
Some research suggests ourmicrobiomesmight start forming in thewomb, but if not, they certainly get started when we're born. During avaginalbirth, infants take in some of their mother’s fecal matter and microbe-filled ...
Tarantino and Citro Lipids in Health and Disease (2024) 23:41 Lipids in Health and Disease REVIEW What are the common downstream molecular events between alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver? Giovanni Tarantino1* and Vincenzo ...
They are the same size They are the same size Bacteria Bacteria Viruses Viruses Why does cleaning teeth prevent tooth decay? Microorganisms don’t like toothpaste Microorganisms don’t like toothpaste Toothpaste removes all microorganisms from the mouth Toothpaste removes all microorganisms from the mouth...
Candidaspp. are well-established as commensal microorganisms in the human GI tract[65]. Different studies report that systemic candidiasis often originates fromCandidaspp. dissemination from the GI tract[65-67]. Moreover, results of molecular typing demonstrate that such systemic infections are usually...
The Human Microbiome (, last accessed January 11, 2016) comprises the bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms living in association with the human body [1–3]. To define what major microbiome research areas warranted additional study in the context of he...
(hypoxia and hypercapnia respectively). In addition, many microorganisms (fungi, protozoans, bacteria) and diverse invertebrates (often pathogenic) abound in especially humid and thermally stable soils [16]. Despite these challenges, several groups of vertebrates are well adapted to life in soil [17...
Nanomaterials have been benefiting human by their wide applications in different fields. Till date, many types of natural and engineered nanomaterials have been reported. Each of them has specific characteristics, which are helpful in deciding their use
Some metallic nanoparticles especially silver nanoparticles have demonstrated enhanced or comprehensive action mechanisms against viruses as well as other microorganisms (Dyshlyuk et al 2020). Numerous companies are now using nanotechnology in their production processes; one of them, for example, used ...