Experts agree unanimously that AIDS is transmitted largely by homosexual behavior and intravenous drug use. "Men who have sexual relations with other men are especially at risk," says Surgeon General Koop. "About 70 percent of AIDS victims throughout the country are male homosexuals and bisexuals....
Making honey: Success in businessIs this dream about a bee good or bad?It depends on the dream contents. Spiritually, the iconic bees are furry-bodied and come with a spiritual message in our dreams, they are beautiful creative flying beasts – who work hard. Was the dream positive or neg...
What does a honey bee look like? Knowing what a honey bee looks like can be confusing. Honey bees differ in color depending on the region in which they are found. You will most commonly see a honey bee with black stripes alternating with bands of amber to brown hairs. Still, some honey...
That’s a hard question if you are not from South Asia. Due to its high moisture content this type of honey needs to be processed (especially pasteurized) and there are not big producers to export this honey around the world. It does not have outstanding health qualities (like sourwood or...
So, if children are to be pulled out of school sex education, they're unlikely to get it anywhere else. Missing out on RSE has a significant effect on sexual development. Anabelle Knight, certified sex educator at sex toy company Lovehoney, tells Mashable that a lack of sex education in...
In more recent years, Amy Jo Johnson seems to have shifted her focus in different directions. However, there are a couple notable callbacks on her resume. For starters, there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo in 2017'sPower Rangersreboot, in which the Pink Ranger was played byAladdinsta...
Bees look furry because they are covered with branched, feather-like hairs that pollen clings onto. Bees are not aggressive and only sting in self-defense. In fact, the male bees have no stinger. With the exception of honey bees and bumblebees, most bees are solitary and live in undergrou...
This process is highly effective for pollination, and not all bees are capable of performing it. For example, buzz pollination is essential for plants like tomatoes and blueberries, which require vibrations to release their pollen. While other bees, like honeybees, cannot perform this behavior, bu...
There are 14 sugars in honey. One of them is called Melazitose. It does not come from honey bees or plants. Aphids use their tongues to pierce plants to bring up the sweet sap and ingest the liquid. Ants carry off the feces. Honey bees also use the feces to make what is known as...
Entomologist Barrett Klein of the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse wanted to know if the same was true for drowsy honeybees. These social insects have a sophisticated communication system, known as the waggle dance, to convey to other bees where to find nectar. Are tired bees wors...