Like passive attacks, many adversaries who leverage active attack vectors are attempting to gain access to sensitive data. However, unlike passive attacks, criminals who engage in an active attack may also do so simply to wreak havoc and cause chaos within the victim’s IT environment. Examples ...
Vector embeddings are a particular application of vectors in the domain of machine learning and AI. What is the purpose of vector embeddings? Machine learning models are designed to uncover patterns and relationships. They map complex entities, like text or images, to points within a vector space...
Attackers may want to leak information to the public, embarrass certain organizations, grow political ideologies, or perform cyber warfare on behalf of their government like the United States or China. How Do Attackers Exploit Attack Vectors? There are many ways to expose, alter, disable, destroy...
Vectors are typically represented by an arrow with a beginning, or tail, and an end, or head, that is usually represented by an arrowhead. Vectors delineate the movement from point A to point B and can be defined as an entity with a designation, such asvector a. Figure 1. A vector sh...
Vector indexes and vector databases are both designed to efficiently store and retrieve vectors, that is, sets of numbers that represent the features of an object, like a document, image, or video or audio file. However, they have different characteristics and use cases. Vector indexes are prim...
Vector components are individual pieces of a vector and can be thought of as smaller vectors in the X, Y, or even Z direction that make up the larger vector. For example, say a cannonball was shot from a cannon at a {eq}55° {/eq} angle with a velocity of about 30 meters per ...
Vector similarity search uses machine learning to translate the similarity of text, images, or audio into a vector space, making search faster, more accurate, and more scalable.
“Since vectors are based around formulas, a vector image can scale at high resolution to virtually unlimited sizes.” Editing vector files in different applications. The most common type of editable vector file is the Adobe Illustrator (.ai) file. This file type can store an enormous amount ...
resized to fill a bigger or smaller space. That’s why vector images are more commonly used for illustrations and logos — vectors are made up of mathematical formulas that can scale up or down infinitely. This means that, compared to pixels, vectors don’t lose their resolution when resized...
Learn all about vector art, how vector graphics work, and why working with vectors in CorelDRAW can help you create stunning designs.