Many medicines may harm your baby if you take them when you are pregnant. Do not take any medicines, vitamins, herbs, or supplements without first talking to your healthcare provider. Never use illegal or street drugs (such as marijuana or cocaine) while you are pregnant.Drugs...
Myth: You cannot get STDs from oral sex.ManySTDsand infections can be spread through oral sex. The chances of getting an STD depend on the type of disease and what sexual activities are involved, but using condoms or dental dams during oral sex can help prevent them. ...
Blood clots, pregnancy, infections, injuries, medications, heart disease, kidney disease, and liver disease are all common causes of leg swelling. Treatment of leg swelling is different for each person and depends on the underlying cause. Table of contents Why legs swell Causes Diagnosis Treatment ...
Smoking, breathing in pollution, genetics, or a history of lung infections can increase your risk for COPD.What are the signs and symptoms of COPD?Shortness of breath A dry cough Coughing fits that bring up mucus from your lungs Wheezing and chest tightness...
structures and functions (e.g., infections and organ damage or dysfunction) represent the defining features of genuine illness or disease, and because symptoms of purported mental illness are not accompanied by such detectable abnormalities, so-called psychological disorders are not disorders at all. ...
If lung problems are the cause of your clubbing, you may also have: Cough (with or without mucus) Shortness of breath A rattling sound when you breathe Chest pain Joints and muscles that hurt Fatigue Repeated chest infections Fever (if you have an infection) ...
If you inject a young child, hold their leg firmly in place before and during the 3 second injection to prevent injuries. Rarely, patients who have used EPIPEN or EPIPEN JR auto-injectors may get infections at the injection site within a few days. Some of these infections can be serious...
clots in the deep veins are more common and dangerous as these clots can break off and travel to your heart and lungs. If you have ankle swelling that is associated with pain, a low-grade fever, and a change in the color of your leg, call your healthcare provider as soon as possible...
Birth control pills will not protect you from sexually transmitted infections. Rarely, some birth control pills can increase your risk for a blood clot. This may become life-threatening.What should I do if I decide I want to get pregnant?
CNN: What are some preventive measures that people can take to reduce their risk of catching and transmitting infectious diseases? Wen: It’s not easy to avoid infections during winter virus season, but people can take steps. Everyone should wash their hands regularly with soap ...