Factors affecting learning is : Amass media Bpeer group Cteacher Dmaturation and ageSubmit From the given factors which one may not affect the learning outcome? ALearner's aptitude and interest BTeacher's personality and competency CHealthy environment at home DPeer pressureSubmit Which one of th...
答案: 正确答案:Affective factors relate to the learner"s emotional state and attitude toward the target language.(1 point)They may include language anxiety, learning motivation, self-esteem, confidence and inhibition, which may interfere with the process of acquiring a second language.(4 points) ...
【16题详解】 根据空前 “You're shocked that there are so many factors to consider; not only the basics, such as price and delivery time, but there are many other factors like battery duration, warning lights for too much pressure and even fancy apps(你会惊讶地发现有这么多因素需要考虑;...
Flipped learning is an effective teaching-learning method implemented with learner centered interactive learning instead of teacher centered cramming methods of lecturing. Despite that it is an effective learning method, studies of flipped learning are not sufficient. The present study analyzed factors ...
The motivation of a learner can be intrinsic, spurred by personal curiosity or professional development. Conversely, students might be motivated by extrinsic factors such as requirements for academic progression or the need to obtain certifications and degrees. 15 Learners have the flexibility to choose...
胡文仲-What makes a good language learner Whatmakesagoodlanguagelearner?HuWenzhong(胡文仲)BeijingForeignStudiesUniversity Natureofthistalk Thisisnotacommercialpromotion.Therearenograndpromises.Whatwe'reinterestedinistheplaintruth:howstudentsshouldlearn.Outlineofthetalk WhatcontributestotheoutcomeoflearningaFLWhat...
NowIrealizefailureandimperfectionare twothingseveryonehastoexperience,without whichonecouldn?tmakeatrueman. 4.WhatcanwelearnaboutMatthew? A.Hewasaslowlearnerofdriving. B.Hereliedheavilyonhisparents. C.Hewasafraidoftakingexams. D.Hewasboredwithtellinglies. 5.WhydidtheinstructoraskMatthewtopullover? A....
Who is an adult learner? An adult learner is an individual who is age 25 or older and seeks continuing education to further prepare for their career. They are a diverse demographic of adult students who can be Baby Boomers or Gen Z, career changers, veterans, parents, caretakers of ...
The sociological situation of the learner and of the learner's community in relation to the community that speaks the L2 can have a significant effect on language learning. There are also other factors which intervene in the process, and which may either induce fossilization or prevent it. ...
What Kind of Learner Am I- Let’s Find Out! Hello! Readers, .you must have heard about people practising various types of learning styles They adopt various strategies and learning habits to study effectively. All of this happens when the exams are around the corner. But have you ever ...