The article offers information on the occurrence of heart palpitations or irregular heartbeats, also known as arrhythmia, in humans, as discussed by Harvard Medical School associate professor of medicine Usha Tedrow. Topics discussed include signs of premature ventricular contractions (PVC), the ...
What are the types of heart arrhythmia? The Mayo Clinic groupsheart arrhythmiasinto two main types, tachycardia (faster heartbeats) and bradycardia (slower heartbeats). Types of tachycardia Atrial fibrillation(a-fib) is one of the most common types ofarrhythmia. According to theU.S. Centers for ...
Children, unless they suffer from congenital heart disease, very rarely have irregular heart rhythms or heartbeats. There are times when there is a clue about what might be causing an ectopic heartbeat in an adult. Chemical problems in the blood, and any problem or condition that interferes ...
If you experienceirregular heartbeats, including a racing heartbeat, slow heartbeat or a feeling of fluttering in your chest, you may be experiencing a heart arrhythmia. Heart rhythm or heartbeat problems can occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate your heartbeats don't work properly, c...
1. Occasionally, irregular heartbeats have been reported. 2. It has been found that the white blood cell count increases without surgery. 3. Due to the biodegradation of Isoflurane, a slight increase in serum inorganic fluorine concentration occurs during and after use of Isoflurane. This slight ...
22K Ventricular dysrhythmias are irregular heartbeats caused by the heart ventricles, some of which can be lethal. Explore the signs and symptoms of ventricular dysrhythmias, how physicians monitor these conditions, and commonly used treatments. Related...
A resting heart rate is the number of heartbeats your heart produces per minute at rest (when you are not doing any sort of physical activity). The resting heart rate is expressed in beats per minute (BPM).Answer and Explanation:
Irregular heartbeats occur when there is a disturbance in the electrical impulses that control your heart. It results in fluttering heartbeats or a heart rate that is too slow or too fast. Heart arrhythmiasdon't always require surgery. In fact, some instances of irregular heartbeat do not requi...
What are the signs and symptoms of a panic attack?Chest pain or discomfort, or fast or irregular heartbeats Sweating, trembling, lightheartedness, or fainting Hyperventilation (breathing so quickly you become dizzy, lightheaded, or faint) Shortness of breath, trouble breathing, or a feeling that ...
Sometimes myocarditis can result from a reaction to a drug or be part of a more general inflammatory condition. Signs and symptoms includechest pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, and rapid or irregular heartbeats. Severe myocarditis weakens your heart so that the rest of your body doesn't get...