Interstitial Cystitis is one of many urinary diseases. This is an inflammation or infection of the urinary bladder. If it is caused by germs, it's called a urinary tract infection (also known as UTI). Women very easily develop UTIs, because all their sexual and urinary organs are very much...
This may mean you have an intestinal obstruction. That’s a blockage that keeps food or liquid from passing normally through yourintestines(bowels). Gases, food, and fluids then build up above the blockage. The barrier can be partial or complete and may happen in either your small orlarge i...
The primary symptom of intestinal ischemia is abdominal pain that is usually very severe and does not go away. Upset stomach, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are common symptoms of the condition as well. Blood may be found in the stool and bowel movements may require extreme force. Eating can ...
But you hear people blaming lectin intolerance and toxicity for everything from asthma to rheumatoid arthritis and even conditions of the brain like autism and Alzheimer’s. Things like that are clearly unrelated to the digestive system if these lectins are not being absorbed and therefore remain i...
What is intestinal mucosa? What artery supplies the small intestine? What is a coronary artery spasm? What is inflammation of the intestines called? What is the native coronary artery? What are the major sphincters of the digestive system?
Reduced blood flow to the intestines leading tointestinal ischemiaand tissue death Sometimes, no known cause is identified. In such situations, it is called as functional or non-ulcer dyspepsia. What puts you at risk of indigestion? There are several factors that can put you more at risk of ...
What is intestinal metaplasia (IM)?IM is a condition that changes the cells that line your stomach or esophagus. The cells are changed into or replaced by cells that line your intestines. When IM happens in the esophagus, it is called Barrett esophagus. IM is a precancer lesion. This ...
Two of the more serious intestinal disorders in children are: Celiac disease.Children withceliac diseasecan’t absorb gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, farina, and bulgur. It's hard for them to get enoughvitamin D. It’s also hard for them to get enoughcalcium, so they oft...
Although there are no medications that are specifically used to treat eating disorders, medications are often used to treat co-occurring conditions, such as anxiety and depression, as these frequently occur in people with eating disorders.
What are the signs and symptoms of an inguinal hernia?A hernia may happen over time or it may happen suddenly. Some movements can make symptoms worse. Examples include when you cough, sneeze, strain to have a bowel movement, lift, or stand for a long time. You may have any of the ...