Acknowledging intersectional identitiescan strengthen companies and communities more broadly. “Everyone deserves to feel empowered across all aspects of who they are,” says McKinsey senior partner Guangyu Li. “It shouldn’t be left to any individual community to defend itself. It’s in our colle...
Diversity is the representation of individuals who identify with a wide range of intersectional identities, including ethnicity, religion, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical and cognitive abilities, and socioeconomic status.
but I’m glad that the political discourse around abortion, at least in my circles, has finally started to beintersectional(almost) all the time. The argument that “if men could get pregnant” may finally be shifting to “if
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
after 3 years of Project and a global pandemic, highlighted the need to re-focus efforts on low-income neighborhoods, as such profiles were absent from all activities of the processes, but should play a central role in agroecological transitions through intersectional coalitions (Facchini et al. ...
while a Black woman will experience sexism AND racism. A trans Black woman will experience sexism and racism AND transphobia. Intersectional feminism means that we cannot just focus on one thing (like sexism) when there are so many different oppressive systems working against certain people and gr...
Individuals with disabilities and intersectional identities experience levels of workplace exclusion comparable to, or even exceeding, those related to gender, emphasizing the compounded impact of multiple differing identity traits. Microaggressions Are Subtle It’s not just about being left out of the ...
All individuals have an intersectional identity whereby their various sociocultural identities are interrelated and synergistically informed by systems of privilege and oppression. Understanding intersectionalities may be vital in recognizing how microaggressions may contribute to feelings of trauma....
[…] The volume itself is divided into 4 thematic parts. Part 1 focuses on intersectional models of inclusion; Part 2 details possible institutional pathways to achieve more inclusion in linguistics; Part 3 is devoted to some of the resources available to teachers and lecturers to build more ...
In the 1990s, there was a resurgence of feminist activity once again. This time, there was more of a focus on intersectional feminism, which recognises that our identities are complex and the amount of privilege we have depends on a combination of different identifiers. We go into more detail...