Since IB mock exams are intended to prepare students for the real thing, they are designed to be very similar to the actual exams students must pass to be granted IB diplomas. Instructions are precise and specific; questions are typically few in number but require in-depth, well thought-out ...
IB as a complete package. It is curriculum and coursework taught to universal IB standards. The International Baccalaureate Organisation authorizes schools to offer its programs. You don't just hang a sign saying you are an IB school. The authorization process, in many ways, reminds me of most...
Research states like all IB programs, the Middle Years Program focuses on functional learning through the Approaches to Learning (ATL) framework, rather than just the curriculum provided. Lifelong learners who are naturally...
The IB Programs ThePrimary Years Program, for children ages three to 12, helps students develop methods of inquiry so that they are able to ask questions and think critically. TheMiddle Years Program, for teens ages 12 to 16, helps students make connections between themselves and the greater w...
The Four IB Programs International Baccalaureate programs are offered to students in four categories: Primary Years Program (PYP): ages 3-12 Middle Years Program (MYP): ages 11-16* Diploma Program: ages 16-19 Career-Related Program: also ages 16-19 ...
One of these programs is theInternational Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), an internationally recognized educational framework geared toward primary school children aged 3 to 12. (The three other programs are theIB Middle Years Programme, theIB Diploma Programme, and the IB Career-rela...
The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) has accomplished a significant orientation toward international education, pulling together curricula and assessment through both a highly-regarded K-12 continuum of International Baccalaureate (IB) programs for schools and professional consultative mechanisms ...
Schools are usually more lenient about requiring information on an applicant's performance in AP or IB classes. "For most colleges, AP scores are optional," says Smith. Admissions officers aren't "necessarily going to make a decision based on them." Next:Test-Optional Schools 8/13 Credit ...
What are the Differences between IB SL and HL?For each possible subject a student can take, there are two versions: a higher level (HL) and a standard level (SL). The difference between HL and SL ultimately boils down to a difference in difficulty, but that doesn’t mean every HL is...
As such, AISG students are primed for success as they embark on their academic pursuits at top universities around the world. AISG offers the International Baccalaureate® curriculum from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 and has...