When this happens, dealers usually charge an extra fee to cover the additional expense of restoring the car. To avoid this, take good care of your leased vehicle, and remember it's not really yours. Tips for Avoiding Expensive Lease Fees These are a few tips to help you choose a great ...
So you're ready to buy your first car, or your next one. You've set a price and might even be working with your monthly budget. It's important to factor in all the various operating costs of car ownership, or you might end up with a vehicle you can't actually afford. Here are s...
The following are reasons why you should consider buying a treadmill. Can Be Used At Anytime One advantage of having a treadmill is that you can use it at any time, day or night, sun or rain. With people having busy schedules, it is hard to fix a time for working out. All needed ...
Such fees aren't limited to car sales. From hotels that slap travelers with mysterious "amenity fees," to apartment complexes that charge extra for putting rent on your credit card, to event-ticket "convenience fees" that are anything but, these hidden costs are on the rise. The practice ...
Buying a used car at a dealership can be an intimidating experience even for the most experienced car shopper. Price-gouging, title-washing, hidden mechanical problems, bogus back-end deals and extended warranty programs are just some of the hazards that a consumer can confront when buying a us...
There are lawyers who can help with these cases, but they may be expensive. A better option may be to work with your landlord directly to reach a resolution, preferably before you are evicted and not after. “Surprises are trouble,” Sherry says. “Communication is always helpful.” ...
If you had a fire, all that hidden money might go up in smoke. (A typical homeowners' insurance policy covers only a couple hundred dollars of cash.) Or, your home could be robbed. If some cybercriminal manages to steal your money from a bank account, you are insured and will get yo...
The two leading cryptocurrencies have continued their bullish momentum in 2024. Wayne DugganNov. 22, 2024 ETFs That Outperform the S&P 500 Ever wonder which ETFs do the best job at beating the benchmark index? This list is a good place to start. ...
It's important to review the wording of a contingency clause. A loosely worded clause may provide either party with too much latitude in determining whether the terms of a contract should be executed. A contingency clause should clearly outline the conditions, how the conditions are to be fulfil...
Franchises are generally privately owned, so they are not obligated to provide an FDD unless someone requests one as an interested party. What Is the 14-Day Disclosure Document for a Franchise? The FDD disclosure period is a 14-day waiting period for the franchisee to sign the document. ...