非常非常非常(重要的话说三遍)传统的犹太人叫Hasidic Jews,通常男士需要留长须,带礼帽。女士则要求衣着保守,长袖得盖的严严实实。这样的人不必费力去接触,因为他们极少与外族来往。绝大多数在大城市职场上的犹太人是比较现代的犹太人,除了头上会带着小帽子(yamaka),他们的穿着一般与其他人无异。然而,我们总是...
Beyond the halakhically (Jewish law) mandated mikveh uses (for conversion and for women getting married and observing niddah), the powerful symbolism of the mikveh waters has inspired various mikveh practices. For example, manyHasidic men immerse themselves in the mikveh every day. Others immerse e...
Jewish prophetic experiences, like psychedelic ones, frequently include powerful visions: Israelites on Mount Sinai seeing the “feet” of God; Ezekiel seeing the divine chariot and the bizarre creatures who drive (or constitute) it; the Baal Shem Tov, the early Hasidic master, ascending to heaven...
Who Are the Nouveau Riche? Biographies Who Is Plato? Biographies What Is an Autobiography? Biographies Who Is Confucius? Cultural What Is a Hipster? Related Articles What is a Sufi? What is the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
Following the example of groups most resistant to the urban monoculture, like the Amish and Hasidic Jews, the Collinses are creating a culture and religion that will help their children resist the pressures that are bringing down fertility rates in most industrialized countries. However, instead of...
ST: It’s how you behave. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do. A very good friend of mine, a Hasidic Rabbi now in Jerusalem, used to give a course at the Spertus Institute here once a year on the Zohar, the Kabbalah. I always used to go hear ...
Included in these practices are ancient India’s Kama Sutra and Tantra, dildos used by ancient Greek women, Nida purity laws of Hasidic Jews, rapes by victorious warriors/soldiers and early American slave owners, and modern Americans’ increase in premarital sex and cohabitation. Alternatively, sex...
“We’re supposed to do it the old fashioned way — I wouldn’t advise [suppositories],” said Rabbi Simcha Weinstein, a Hasidic leader. “We wanna keep Jews in the synagogue and not in the bathroom.” ©2010 Community Newspaper Group Disgusted White Christian September 23, 2010 @ 3:45...
To support and maintain the borders that the U.S. carved out, and let the Jews have it - I can live with that worldly definition. There are more Christians and other religions in Israel than just Jews too. It is important to know the worldly definition, so that when you are speaking ...
Like the old Hasidic teaching, we need to be able to carry two truths in our pocket. For HaLevi, one of these truths is that, “For all our devotion to the Jewish state and our concern for its survival, we have failed to acknowledge the consequences to Israel’s soul of occupying ano...