Holes-in-the-ground can only be placed in the first two regions you conquer, not on regions obtained during later conquest. So if you abandon these regions, the Holes-in-the-ground disappear for good.They cannot be re-used if the Halflings are forced to re-enter the map.___SorcererQ:...
We are working on significant updates in EF9 to the EF Core database provider for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL.Hierarchical partition keysTips The code shown here comes from HierarchicalPartitionKeysSample.cs.Each document stored in the Cosmos database has a unique resource ID. In addition, each...
public DbSet<Halfling> Halflings => Set<Halfling>(); protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder) => optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer( @$"Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database={GetType().Name};ConnectRetryCount=0", sqlServerOptionsBuilder => sqlServerOptionsBuilder.UseHie...
Halflings are an essential part of Tolkien’s world, and often serve as its heart and soul. Above all else, they remind us of the good in the world, and of the innocence that so many of our characters are working hard to defend. Sauron helps construct some additional r...
Modeling hierarchiesThe HierarchyId type can be used for properties of an entity type. For example, assume we want to model the paternal family tree of some fictional halflings. In the entity type for Halfling, a HierarchyId property can be used to locate each halfling in the family tree....
In Spelljammer 2E, humans were the most common race found in space, with Elves and Dwarves also widespread. Races like Gnomes and Halflings were considered far too fond of the ground to frequent the skies. Spelljammer monsters Player-characters aren’t the only ones spelljamming around in ...
12.8.5 Genji An Atavian village in the Southern Vashnars. 12.8.6 Aeraithian Falls A village of gliding humanoids. 12.8.7 Actar A peaceful valley that's home to halflings. 12.8.8 Caer Witrin The gift of the Great Bard to the Goddess Selene. 12.8.9 Sea Lion Cove A secluded cove on ...
Below, some of the more important improvements are highlighted; see this issue for a more complete listing of the work done in 9.0.We'd like to call out Andrea Canciani (@ranma42) for his numerous, high-quality contributions to optimizing the SQL that gets generated by EF Core!
Modeling hierarchiesThe HierarchyId type can be used for properties of an entity type. For example, assume we want to model the paternal family tree of some fictional halflings. In the entity type for Halfling, a HierarchyId property can be used to locate each halfling in the family tree....
For example, assume we want to model the paternal family tree of some fictional halflings. In the entity type for Halfling, a HierarchyId property can be used to locate each halfling in the family tree.C# คัดลอก public class Halfling { public Halfling(HierarchyId pathFrom...