1002 0 08:19 App 吉普森 Gibson L00 墨菲 吉他评测 2292 5 29:42 App 马丁吉他入门到高端一次试遍 109 0 15:21 App Bolt-On Vs. Set-Neck Vs. Neck-Thru What Are The Differences 71 0 21:10 App Budget Overdrive Pedals For Guitar 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
16:12 Aurora DSP Put Pedals To The Metal! 11:12 Aurora DSP Laney Ironheart Plugin British Chugs! 12:44 开始使用Apollo x16D & Dante 09:41 World Strings Saz Overview 09:47 今夏值得一试的 7 款免费 VST 07:32 Brainworx bx_aura - Trailer | Plugin Alliance 01:01 Eventide Ensemble Subscr...
My favorite times in life have often started with a “see what happens” spirit. Let’s see what happens if I run my vocals through my guitar pedals. See what happens if I invite that famous producer out to lunch. See wha...
Guitar Pedals & Effects Looper Pedals Electro-Harmonix Electro-Harmonix 720 Stereo Looper Electro-Harmonix720 Stereo Looper #11 inLooper Pedals Equipboard's ranking is determined by analyzing factors such as professional artist usage, popularity, user ratings, reviews, and more. ...
For true bypass, we are basically concerned with what happens to your guitar tone when you have a pedal plugged in, but in the OFF position. For some guitar pedals, such as many Boss pedals, a circuit is always plugged in even when you don’t have the pedal in the ON position. This...
On copy-pasting sustain pedals On selecting empty bars with the keyboard Guitar Pro 8.0.2 Playback Improvement of the support for high sampleRate on sound cards Application of the relative tonality on slides Restoration of the mono switch
A pedal steel guitar is a sit-down console-type instrument that rises pedals and knee-activated levers to change the pitch of strings. The combination of sliding notes and expressive vibrato can give it an almost vocal quality. David Gilmour is another guitar...
I also studied a little bit of jazz and was playing a Les Paul guitar through a Fender Blues Junior amp to get a really warm sound. Continuing from that, I played in a punk band and started experimenting with a pedal board setup and various distortion pedals, reverbs, delays and ...
to boot. A good modeling amp not only has different effects built in -- it emulates classic amplifiers, too (Marshall stack, Fender Twin Reverb, Vox AC-30, etc.) In the past, a guitarist could spend almost endless amounts of cash on effects pedals to get various sounds, but modeling ...
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